We are creating a more connected Carrickfergus.

Positive Carrickfergus is a community interest company led by people who live and work in Carrickfergus.

Our Story

Positive Carrickfergus started life as a social movement on Facebook.

As Lee Robb scrolled through Facebook one evening in October 2017 she saw yet another negative Facebook conversation about Carrickfergus (Carrick for short) and decided things had to change. She created a Facebook group and called it positive carrickfergus – a place to tell a positive and hopeful story about her hometown. Then she sat back, slightly terrified at raising her head above the parapet, and wondered what would happen next.

She found out that lots of other people wanted to be part of that positive story and a movement was born. The residents of Carrick really wanted to share positive news and ideas about how the community could work together to make the town a great place to live.

Lee purposely didn’t advertise the group or actively seek followers. The group had to make sense to people if it was to survive and needed to grow organically. Thankfully it did just that! As of January 2021 the group has over 5,000 members and continues to grow at a steady pace.

Positive carrickfergus is underpinned by an asset based community development approach. That means we start with what is strong, rather than what is wrong. We do not believe that deficit based approaches to community development have improved communities. We do believe that people are so much more than their needs.

By deliberately thinking about Carrick as a whole place, and everyone as part of the community, we want to break down boundaries between local businesses, community groups, the council and residents so that we can work together. In practice that means that part of our work is about raising the visibility of people who are beavering away making Carrick a better place. In response, people often tell us that there is so much more going on than they realised.

In real life Lee has spent a lot of time in the last few years building new relationships with people in Carrick and taking opportunities to make stuff happen. With a group of fourteen women who did not previously know each other, Lee held two Big Lunches in the Town Hall in the summer of 2018. Lee also helped to bring Big Telly’s Creative Shop project to Carrick in 2018 which became their most successful Creative Shop proving that when given the opportunity people in Carrick really want to engage. Big Telly have returned a number of times since and have fallen in love with Carrick.

In summer 2020 positive carrickfergus was awarded a National Lottery Community Fund grant from their Emerging Futures programme. As a result, they set up a community interest company. The funding supported the delivery of the Talk of the Town project exploring the future of Carrickfergus and the community’s role in it. From this project, two strands of work emerged, aiming to fulfil the wildest dreams of Carrick residents – bringing more shops to the town centre and more arts and culture activities. Positive Carrickfergus has since helped birth Carrick Greengrocers, a community owned fruit and veg shop based in West Street, and has received further funding to develop a community-led arts strategy and put on events in the Town Hall with the aim of working with the council to put the community in the lead in terms of managing this vital community asset that should be at the centre of the regeneration of our town centre.


We are working together to build community, promote community-led regeneration and increase civic participation so that Carrickfergus is a great place to live.


Company Directors

A headshot of Lee Robb

Lee Robb

Lee is the founder of Positive Carrickfergus and is dedicated to doing her bit to make Carrick a great place to live after far too long not making a useful contribution. Lee has more than 20 years experience working in the voluntary and community sector and is optimistic that experience will be useful to her work in Carrick.

Lee has one daughter and one dog. She enjoys knitting socks, is energised by ideas that make the world better for everyone, dabbles in water colours, has started growing veg in her front garden and hugs a tree when life gets too much.

Vanissa Law

Vanissa was born in Hong Kong and began her studies at the Hong Kong Baptist University in 2004, started out as a piano major and studied piano with Chinese composer Mr. Cui Shiguang. After graduating from HKBU Vanissa turned her focus towards electroacoustic music composition during her stay at Ball State University, Indiana, majoring in voice and music composition. She studied voice with Ms Katusha Tsui-Fraser and Dr Mei Zhong, and was the winner of the regional (Indiana) audition of the National Association of Teachers of Singing in US in 2008. Vanissa returned to Hong Kong in 2010 and obtained her PhD in 2016 under the supervision of Prof Christopher Keyes. 

Vanissa’s has performed and exhibited internationally as well as in our Talking Shop. She has arranged a number of gigs for us in Carrickfergus since November 2021 and has since joined our board as we deliver our exciting arts project with the support of lottery funding from the National Lottery Community Fund.

A headshot of Robin Stewart

Robin Stewart

Robin is the owner of Robinson’s Shoes. Originally from McKeens Row on the Scotch Quarter, his family moved to Windmill Hill in 1964. He attended Model Primary and Carrickfergus Grammar Schools.

A keen sportsman in his younger days, he is a passionate Carrick man who relishes being part of a team which he feels can take the town of Carrickfergus to the heights that it has for so long failed to attain.

A headshot of Lisa Holmes

Lisa Holmes

Lisa has lived in Carrickfergus pretty much all her life and It’s only been in the last few years that she has moved to Ballycarry. Lisa loves Carrickfergus. She thinks it’s a pretty special town; not just because of a Castle or the sea but mostly because of the people. Lisa opened a business in Carrickfergus just over 5 years ago, a yoga studio called The Yogaloft, and from day one she has been overwhelmed by the support and kindness that she has been shown by the people of Carrick.

She believes our town has a huge amount of potential which is just waiting to be unlocked. Furthermore, she believes that the people of Carrick will only unlock that potential when we come together to help create change. Lisa hopes that by supporting these kind of projects that she’ll be able to play a part in helping our town reach its potential.

A headshot of Shirin Murphy

Shirin Murphy

Shirin has worked in the museum and heritage sector for 17 years in a variety of curatorial and educational roles. She has been in her current post as Collections Access Officer at Carrickfergus Museum for almost 10 years.
Shirin has extensive experience in project management and is passionate about the role museums can have in supporting community development as well as providing opportunities for lifelong learning, inspiration, enjoyment. She is on the committee of the Carrickfergus & District Historical Society and the management steering committee of the Irish Walled Towns Network.

Chelsea Harwood

Chelsea has worked in Carrickfergus for nearly five years and is an active playing member of Carrickfergus Ladies rugby team. (Who she will shamelessly say is always looking for new members of any ages/abilities so come along!)

Chelsea is passionate about inclusion & equality. She wants to see Carrickfergus continue to celebrate its rich history whilst continuing to grow in the future with the potential she knows it has.

A headshot of Ruth Turkington

Ruth Turkington

Ruth ran her own retail business including developing property into stand-alone retail units let to other retailers in Somerset.

She worked at National Museums NI from 1990 – 2014 and has extensive fundraising, grant management and facilities management experience including projects increasing disability access.

Our Employees

Lynn McKenzie

Lynn McKenzie is one of our Creative Producers – she lives locally and loves Carrickfergus! She has been involved in Positive Carrickfergus from the early days. She has been a youth and community worker in Carrickfergus for over 30 years and has led a range of community projects with organisations like the Relationship Resource Centre, YMCA Ireland and Summer Madness; she currently is President of YWCA Ireland. Lynn is also a member of the Carrick Community Church leadership team. Having been a staff member for a number of years, she is now a Trustee and oversees strategy and mission development. She believes in the goodness of people and communities to take care of each other and is passionate about trying new ideas with other people. She also strives to live authentically, with integrity and does her best to have a good laugh. Lynn is married to Ian, Lynn has 4 children and loves listening to music and watching comedy – unless it’s sunny in which case she can be found in the garden with a cold drink, chasing the last rays of sunshine.
A headshot of Lisa Rea Currie

Lisa Rea Currie

Lisa is one of our Creative Producers