Autumn Vinyl Market

Our third and final Vinyl Market for the year was an upscaled version of our first versions. Earlier Vinyl Markets have been smaller trial markets to test the appetite but we found that moving it from our shop to the Town Hall gave us so much more room for activities!

There was a steady stream of eager collectors, seasoned enthusiasts and newcomers to vinyl exploring the many boxes on display. With the addition of freshly brewed coffee and a welcoming space to rest and chat, it was lovely to sit and watch people taking pleasure in searching for a classic for their collection or something new they hadn’t heard before. 

Moving to the larger space was an experiment that proved successful and so with the sellers from Belfast Record Fair on board and lots of chats from eager buyers, we have begun to make plans to run twice a year in the bigger space.  

If you missed out on this Vinyl Market, keep an eye on our newsletter for dates in to the new year – local sellers are welcome to come along and sell on the day too so get in touch if you would like to keep in touch about this also.
