There is so much more going on than most people think.

Carrickfergus Harbour Stories - Take Two

Hear more about our plans for a maritime exhibition that puts our community front and centre.

About this Event

As part of our Talk of the Town project, we have applied to the National Lottery Heritage Fund for funding to develop a community exhibition upstairs in the newly refurbished Kelly’s Coal Office. If we are successful, the owner has granted us the space for FREE for 5 years!

We’ve already held one online natter where we heard great stories about the harbour and how people have lived and worked around the harbour over the years.

Now we’d like to natter some more! Come and share more stories and Laura Patrick, who is leading this project, will share how her design for the exhibition is coming on making sure that the people of Carrick are at the forefront.

*images courtesy of Carrickfergus Museum Collection

Online Event
Thu, 11 February 2021
19:30 –21:00 GMT

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