Summer Vinyl Mini-Market

We had a lovely return to our Vinyl Mini-Market last weekend. Belfast Record Fair joined us again with their experienced sellers and variety of genres for sale. We also had a lovely local lady, Sheelagh, join us with a family member’s collection that seemed to sell very well on the day!

A thought that stayed with me throughout the afternoon was how friendly and willing for connection that vinyl buyers are – everyone was sharing the treasures they had found and comparing new buys while detailing their collections at home. It was lovely to hear the enthusiasm and gratitude in people’s voices over their love of good music. 

One piece of feedback we heard on the day is that there wasn’t enough space so we will be planning to hold our next Vinyl Mini-Market in the Town Hall before the end of the year! We hope that this will be a great opportunity for other local sellers to join us too – and who knows what other treats we will have for you on the day 😉
