The future is determined by those who get involved.

Welcome to Positive Carrickfergus

It’s 11 February 2021 and we’ve just finished building our new website with Ian McKenzie Creative and my final task (on this particular to do list) is to write our first blog post and welcome you to join this next stage in our journey.

If you want to know more about where Positive Carrickfergus came from and what underpins our work have a read of our About section.

In terms of where we currently are, we’re really grateful to the National Lottery Community Fund for supporting us through their Emerging Futures Fund. As a result of applying for and being awarded this funding we have become a legal entity with a bank account and we’re able to capitalise on the work that has been going on since 2017 and really run with new opportunities.

The Talk of the Town project was first conceived back in 2018 and is captured on this flip chart that Lee took to a funders networking session organised by the Young Foundation. If you look closely, you can see the Talk of the Town referred to in the bottom left corner.

So it feels pretty good to have got here and made the Talk of the Town happen – well, start to happen within the constraints of a global pandemic.

We’ve already made new connections, have a board who are really engaged and committed to the town and it has become even clearer in the last couple of months that there are loads of people who want to get involved in helping Carrick realise its potential.

We’re going to keep doing everything within our power to work with those people to make that happen. And we’re delighted you’re joining us!

Lee Robb


Lee Robb