Whole Loada Balls - bingo & cabaret

Whole Loada Balls was a whole loada fun!

Dejavu Promotions really pulled out all the stops for what one person described as a ‘slightly bonkers’ night.

Cabaret, dance, game shows; from Country classics to Scooter and Nicki Minaj to Westend belters – nothing was off limits for Bill ‘The Thrill’ Buchanan and friends.

Thanks to our volunteers, last minute stand in ‘sound man’ James, caretakers and those groups of friends who brought the party atmosphere – you know who you are 🐦

Don’t forget to sign up to our mailing list for latest events and festival news – details in our bio

Rumour has it this isn’t a one off – long may the bonkers nights continue 💕

Thanks to everyone who made sure they were having the best night and dont forget to check our photos from the event on our instagram page. 
