Winter Open Mic

We had a lovely end to our 2023 event program with a Winter Open Mic – our first in the Town Hall! With seasoned performers and those giving their first performance; we had a great time. One thing I am noticing more at our events is the diversity of the audience and performers – having people participate from all ages and backgrounds is a privilege for us and shows that we are trusted in some way – so thanks to all who have taken a risk with us this year. 

We want to thank everyone who helped make this event special, you are all stars and we couldn’t do it without you and neither would we want to.

2024 is shaping up to be a jam-packed year for us but for now we are taking a well earned rest and will be dreaming of all the excitement 204 has to bring. 

Thanks to everyone who has been on this journey with us of creating more arts in Carrickfergus. 
