Summer Open Mic

We ended June on a beautifully chilled note with our summer Open Mic

Drawing with Charcoal Workshop

Drawing with Charcoal Workshop Saturday 18th May 2024 We are so lucky in Carrickfergus to have such talented artists living in and around our town. This week we were joined by Lisa Puhlhofer who ran an amazing workshop introducing us to working with charcoals. You can see more of Lisa’s work here. Even though the Town Hall and Civic Centre was closed for a military event, we were grateful that Mid and East Antrim Borough Council were still able to accommodate us in the education room in the museum and we had the benefit of being serenaded by bagpipes and silver bands. It turned out to be quite an intergenerational event, with several of our participants coming with their parents or young adult children. It was great to see some returning faces to our workshops and lots of new ones too! After some experimenting with different types of charcoal and mark making the group had a go at a still life using their new skills and techniques.  We are thinking about our autumn craft and art workshops now, so if you have any ideas we would love to hear them, even more so if you would like to run a workshop in partnership with us. Lisa Back to All Posts ›

Pop-up Cinema, Muppet Treasure Island

Pop-Up Cinema Saturday 16th March 2024 Ahoy me hearties! It was a wet Saturday afternoon, but we escaped to sunnier climes with Muppet Treasure Island. Thanks to Strand Arts Centre we were able to have another pop-up cinema event for all the family. It was a beautifully chaotic couple of hours. Pop-up cinema is a great opportunity to see if your wee ones are ready to sit through a movie,  it’s not too dark and you can move about if you need to. Next time we hope to make it even more accessible and have subtitles thanks to some really useful feedback. Keep telling us what you would like to see happen in Carrickfergus and we will work with you to help make it happen.  Lisa Back to All Posts ›

Glass Making Workshops

Glass Making Workshops Saturday 17th and 24th February 2024 As part of NI Science Festival, Positive Carrickfergus teamed up with Carrickfergus museum to run two fantastic glass making workshops facilitated by local artist, Brian Morgan.  The sessions began with an exploration of the museum’s collections to see some historic examples of glass, images and techniques that would inspire the participants creations.  Over the two weeks we had an opportunity to learn how to cut glass, learn how it is fused and to develop decorative painting and sgraffito techniques.  We were so pleased to welcome a mix of Carrickfergus residents and people who had travelled from further afield for this workshop and to see their gorgeous glass they will be taking home with them. Hopefully we will see them again at our upcoming workshops and events!   Lisa   Back to All Posts ›